
S'mores Cupcakes

Have you heard of FoodGawker
Well, thanks to my pal Michele, I discovered the most delicious (literally!) site.  

Before FoodGawker, I would dread planning meals.  I felt like I was cooking the same things over and over.  NOW, I just surf FoodGawker!  You can literally eat with your eyes.  So I find delicious-looking pictures of food, linked to the recipes, and find something new to cook!

Mr. Daisy helped me plan meals this week because hallelujah, he is actually home all week!  We each selected a new dish we wanted to try to make.  He, of course, chose an actual "meal" while I selected something to satisfy my sweet tooth! 

I couldn't resist the look of the s'mores cupcakes, so I whipped up a batch yesterday!  They tasted just as scrumptious as they looked!

I say "whipped up", but it was a bit of work.  After baking these yummy, fluffy cupcakes (with fresh graham cracker crumbs mixed in), the recipe called to cut a cavity in each cupcake and fill it with a creme filling.  YUM!

Then a layer of chocolate, plus a layer of marshmallow meringue (broiled so it turns brown, just like a campfire marshmallow!)

I have always been a HUGE fan of s'mores, and these cupcakes did NOT disappoint.

So where can you find this yummy recipe?
Chocolate & Tea shared their yummy recipe here. (Found via FoodGawker, of course!)


  1. Those look delicious! I have never heard of Foodgawker. Thank you so much for sharing, I am in heaven!

  2. Oh, yum! I'll have to check out Foodgawker. Always need another site to visit.

  3. I checked out Foodgawker and bookmarked a ton of recipes. Thanks for the new obsession.

  4. Those are too delicious looking! Now all you have to do for Valentine's Day is package them up real cute and include a tag that says, "I wish I had S'more friends like you!" :-)

  5. Oh yum!!! I remember Michele telling us about it - the pictures there alone are so great to look at!

  6. Thanks for the tease, I just stared Weight Watchers!! LOL Looks yummy! Need to make a batch and then take the rest to the office.

  7. These look great! I'm glad they worked out well for you!

  8. These look so yummy!

    I am featuring these on my blog today.

  9. Your photography is getting really good!

  10. Yum!!! I'm glad to see you putting Foodgawker to good use. :) Its my daily obsession!
