
Ruffle Fabric

Is there anything NOT to love about ruffles?!

Deliciously crinkly ruffles.  Well, I'm a sucker for them!  I have long adored Ruffle Fabric and guess what just arrived at my door??  There is nothing quite so exciting as receiving a package with my name on it, but I was truly giddy when this package arrived.  Just take a look for yourself:

How about a little candy cane?  Perfect for Christmas OR Valentine's Day OR just because!  Red and white are sensational.

Black with heather grey stripe.  Very chic. 

Heavenly white.

Enough eye candy?  Well, for the next few weeks, I'll be sharing some projects with you using ruffle fabric.  And guess what?!  You can order your own ruffle fabric, too!!  Ruffle fabric offers a huge variety.  I had a hard time selecting 3 colors and plan to go back for some blue!  

Ruffle fabric is offering Oopsey Daisy readers a 10% discount from now until March 4th!
Just enter promo code "Daisy" at checkout.

So play along with me!!  Order your own ruffle fabric and get creative!  E-mail me, facebook me, or tweet me about your projects.  I would love to share your ideas along with my own projects!  I can't wait to get creative with ruffle fabric all month long!


  1. Swoon! I've been scoping out the ruffle fabric site for months now... I just can't seem to choose which lovelies to order! ;) Thanks for the discount code! It may be the motivation I need to finally order some ruffly-goodness!

  2. *gasp* That black and heather gray is to die for! LOVE! I can't wait to see what your plans are for these!

  3. I just finished a blessing gown made with some of the white ruffle fabric. It is such fun fabric! I wish I would have known you were going to have a promo code though! I'll send you a picture once I take one.

  4. Hi! I have watched your blog for a while now and love it :)

    I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Hop on over to this link to collect your Award Button:


    Have an awesome day!

  5. The black one is really wonderful. I think it really stands out! Love it!
