
Toy Story Valentines

You are going to be seeing A LOT of Toy Story in the next week or so.  Prepare yourselves.  Here in our house, it has been Eat.Sleep.Drink. Buzz Lightyear.  At the brink of Little Man's Toy Story birthday party, it has been a flurry of preparations.  What better theme for Little Man's valentines too?!

Little Man is a typical toddler. He loves suckers!  So using the "You've Got a Friend in Me" kit by MandaBean from Sweet Shoppe Designs I created this template in Photoshop.  

I printed out several sucker covers and folded them.  Easy enough.

We bought these fun heart-shaped suckers and just stapled the cover over the top.  The only problem was Little Man wanted to eat all of the suckers instead of make valentines!

I finally had to hide the valentines from Little Man because he kept trying to steal the suckers and eat them!!

He is going to have so much fun giving these away!

What kind of valentines are your kids giving out?


  1. Cute, cute!! I can't wait to see the details of his party. Good luck tomorrow!!

  2. This is soo cute! I am in the same boat with the party preparations, except I have two weeks!! I am a planner! Any ideas would be great!

  3. Super cute!!! My boys would love those too :)

  4. Those look fantastic! I love the sweet message.

  5. These are cute! I had to come up with 80 Valentines for my older 3 kids. I found a cute idea over @ Craft Monkey where you put a mustache on a picture of your child. Then I found a printable over @ the Crafting Chicks that I used for the other 2. I <3 Valentines Day.

  6. He is so cute!!! I love these, very cute. We made lollipop lillies: http://acraftyescape.blogspot.com/2011/02/lollipop-lily.html for my daughter's friends.

    P.S. Come by my blog where I'm celebrating my one year anniversary with a giveaway!

  7. These are so cute! My DH would love these!

  8. I'm definitely doing this next year. Very cute.

  9. Those are way cute and my little nephew would love to have those for his party on monday! Cuteness.

  10. These are super cute! And what a fun idea to carry his Yot Story party over into Valentine's Day. Love these!
