
Sunday Snippets: Celebrating Little Man!

Welcome back to the second edition of my Sunday Snippets!
You are such a supportive bunch of readers!  It makes my day to be able to share all of our every-day craziness and quirkiness with you.

First off, lots of you were wondering about my online photography course.  So I have to give a shout-out to my fabulous instructor, Maggie Holmes!  I am only in "Week 3" of classes, but I am loving every minute!  If you interested in taking beginning or advanced photography classes in the comforts of your own home, I highly recommend Maggie Holmes.  I have learned so much in just a few short weeks.

This week has been an absolute whirlwind!  I will be sharing the details of Little Man's big birthday bash all week long.  I think I probably set a little too high of expectations for myself because I was up until the wee hours of the morning every day just trying to fit it all in.  Now we are sitting in piles of helium-filled balloons that have long ago lost their "lift", and the house is still trashed, but it is so nice to have a bit of a break!

Yes, Little Man is the star of the show in my pictures mainly because it was too cold to get out much this week, and Mr. Daisy was about 500 miles away all week long.  But look at those blue eyes--I just can't get enough of them!
Little Man has LOVED playing Mr. Potato Head lately!  He concentrates so hard, and practices naming body parts along the way.

I think I love sugar cookies more at Valentine's Day than on Christmas!  Little Man was so excited to shake the sprinkles all by himself!  Granted, we had a whole world full of sprinkles by the time he was through, but it's all part of the experience!

I'm a firm believer in getting out and playing outside, even on cold days!  Lately, we like to hunt for icicles!

Little Man adores pancakes.  So yesterday, we feasted on chocolate-chip pancakes for the big birthday breakfast!  

I can't believe this sweetheart is two years old!  He ran off before I could get him dressed, and found his fireman's hat.  I did not pose this little guy.  He poses all by himself! :) 

Here is just one sneak preview of the birthday party!  We were dressed as Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head along with Buzz Lightyear, of course, enjoying our birthday cupcakes in dump trucks!

A few hours left until Valentine's Day... still so much to do! 
What were the best moments of your week?


  1. I am so excited to see the full party. YOu guys are such awesome parents to dress up as Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head!

  2. I love the pancake photo. Though they are all wonderful! Lil' tidbit: My son has that exact sippy cup too. Yall's Potato Head costumes=adorable as well. :) TY for sharing!

    Congrats! I am stopping by from my weekly series: "Shine Through Sundays" to let you know that you have been featured!! Swing by to check it out & let me know if you wish to have a button to display on your page :) Congrats again!! -Jessica


  3. Happy Birthday to your little man. He sure is a cutie. Can't wait to see the awesome party!

  4. Alison - you have 2001 followers!! Oh my! Congrats, you deserve it:) Thanks for all of your inspiring ideas and links to other ideas!

  5. Looks like Little Man knows how to have a good time! Love the sneak peek of the party. Very fun!

  6. Love the pics in the fireman hat. What a cutie!
