
E is for Easter {Mommy School Packet}

The next Mommy School packet is here!
Woot! Woot!

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know I'm a last minute kind of gal.  I wish I was great about planning ahead, but things have been hectic around here.
 I honestly believed that last week while we were in Arizona, I would work away at this packet during naptimes and in the evenings.  (Yeah right!)  It took an investment of most of my day today to get this packet ready.  But it's done!

Here are some of the concepts covered in this packet:
* Letter of the week: E
* Number of the week: 7
* Color of the week: Purple
*Theme of the week: Easter
* Song of the week:  Humpty Dumpty

Here are some of the goodies jam-packed in this packet:
Jelly Bean Graph

Easter egg ABC's

 Letter E tracing and coloring pages

Easter Bunny action cards

I do have to enforce a few guidelines to protect myself when sharing my ideas.  
So please read these Terms of Use before downloading.
* This packet is in PDF format.  Please be sure that you have the most updated version of Adobe Reader in order to open the file. This packet is too large to e-mail, so this download is the only way I have to share this with you.
* PLEASE do not take advantage of my willingness to share.  I will not customize this packet using different fonts, colors or personalized formats. 
*This packet is for personal use only!  You may use this for your own preschool class or in your own home.  You may never sell any part of this packet.
* There is a wealth of ideas on the web, and I compiled lots of fun ideas combined with my own.  Check the credits section for more great blogs and sites!
* I do have a copyright on my blog. You may not redistribute my Mommy School packets or host them on your own site.  Please link to my personal blog to refer a friend--not just to the 4shared File Sharing page link.

Clip art designs and/or fonts copyright Dianne J Hook. Used with permission from DJ Inkers. I could not share ANY of these cute fonts and clip art with you except for their support!  Thanks guys!  And be sure to check out DJ Inkers when you want the cutest clip art on the planet!

Thanks for understanding, my friends! 
You can download your own E is for Easter packet here.

As always, I would love to hear about your learning adventures!!
Have fun with your kiddos!


  1. Thank you so much for this wonderful packet. I love working on your packets with my daughter, even though she is a little young!

  2. LOVE your Mommy School Packs!
    Can't wait to get this one printed out, laminated, and ready for my daughter to use!
    Thanks so much for your hard work!
    ~ Mrs. Mc
    Little Literacy Learners

  3. Great stuff, Alison! I'll be printing the Jelly Bean Graph for my class math lesson next week. Last month we graphed how many "lamb" days and how many "lion" days we had during March ~ such fun! {the lambs won by a hair :)} Thanks again for sharing your beautiful creativity!
    xo Heidi

  4. Thank you so much! You are right on time - this is perfect for next week and even the week after Easter ;-)
    If you are willing to share - what type of printer do you have and does it do great color documents? I'm on hold on Mommy Time right now because my printer is pretty much done and I can't buy a new one. BUT I am doing research so when I can, I'll know what to get!

  5. So awesome that you do this - and being a former teacher, I know how much time it takes. My little one is only one, but we are absolutely going to "imbibe" in using these soon! I can't wait! {and I can't believe someone would actually ask you to customize it with a different font..} Anyhow, thanks for you hard work - you ROCK!

  6. So sweet and cool! Do you mind if I share on my homeschool site??

  7. I don't think you realize how much I LOVE YOU FOR PUTTING THESE TOGETHER!!! These packets are SOOOO cute! I LOVE THEM! (so do my little ones, and the ones I babysit!) you are my hero!

  8. Thank you so much! I really appreciate you sharing with us! I can't wait to share them with my kids! So cute!

  9. Thank you, thank you! My son is a little too young but I am hoping to use these with my niece when the whole family is over for dinner!

  10. Thank you so much for all of your hard work on this packet. I can't wait to do this with my daughter. She will love it!!!

  11. You are amazing Alison!!! Thanks so much for sharing! Off to print now!

  12. I've been looking out for this one! Thanks so much.

  13. Thanks for all your hard work! Can't wait to use this with my girls.

  14. Love it I get so excited when you post a new packet my husband just laughs thanks for doing it

  15. Thanks again for all you do! I love these packets. My daughter loves them! We have our own little "Mommy School" but it usually happens in pajamas. My daughter calls it "Jammie Preschool" Thanks again!

  16. What a fun packet! Thank you, thank you! While I was searching online for other Peter Rabbit flannel board characters (I can't get mine to download without being all fuzzy for some reason.) I came across this awesome website. Don't know if you've ran into it or not, but if not here it is: www.makinglearningfun.com then click on "themes" and it's a holy mother load of awesomeness! :)

  17. I just stumbled upon your website and saw this! Thank you so much!! I have two little boys a year apart that love to learn! I can't wait to start teaching them from your amazing packets!

  18. I just came across your site and I am in awe of your amazing toddler units. I'm SO excited to start using these with my 2 year old!! Thank you for all your time and work putting these together to help other moms. You rock!

    p.s. I'm passing this site along to all my other mommy friends! ( :

  19. I'm a preschool teacher and I love looking through your packets and using ideas for my kids. Thank you for all your efforts in putting these all together!

  20. Thank you So much for taking the time to put these together! They are fantastic!

  21. Thanks so much for the Mommy School Packets you create and share! They're always wonderful! I featured your E is for Easter packet at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page and the Living Montessori Now Community at http://livingmontessorinow.com/community/#/1378313/forum/99298/please-share-your-easter-posts-and-ideas.html

  22. Thanks for sharing these Mommy School Packets…. my daughter has been completing the Preschool Packs from another blogger. I will have her do these as well. Fun ideas!
