
Creative Estates 2011

I did it!!  I attended my very first blogging conference!   
 My time at Creative Estates was incredibly fun and inspiring!  I honestly never thought I would get the guts to attend a conference such as this.  I was terrified at the very idea.  I am a shy person in the beginning, but I love getting to know new people.  So it took a lot of pep talks for me to walk into a room full of people whom I had never even met.  But I treasured the opportunity to get to know some really talented women--people I could relate to as bloggers, as moms, and as friends.

My husband really made Creative Estates possible.  He encouraged me to attend from the get-go.  He even helped me design my blogging business cards!  Because he works in Arizona frequently, we decided to divide up parental responsibilities, and make a family vacation out of the entire week!  

We booked a room at a gorgeous resort, and we were having a fabulous time...

But then Little Man got sick.  Very sick.  I was so worried about my Little Man!  I had never seen him quite this ill.  We finally took him to Urgent Care, and discovered he had Strep.  It broke my heart to have to leave my little guy just when he needed me the most!  Luckily Mr. Oopsey Daisy played Mr. Mom, and they spent lots of R&R time together...

 After registering, we met Thursday night for a yummy Mexican dinner the first evening. It was so fun for me to look around and match everyone's faces to their blogs!  

When I first walked into Creative Estates, like a deer in the headlights, Bev (on the far right) immediately saw me and gave me a hug!  It's because I won a free ticket on a giveaway on her blog that I was able to attend Creative Estates!  This lady is crazy talented.  I attended her Anthro necklace class, and made a darling necklace!
Allison (A Glimpse Inside), {me--just ignore my experiment with bangs!}, Beverly (Flamingo Toes)

Friday was a day full of inspirational classes.  That night, I attended the amazing AZ Girls Night OutWhat a fun time!!  We ate dinner at The Spaghetti Factory, and receive the most adorable swag bags of the whole event!  The name tags, the favors, the center pieces... everything was amazing! 

 Kristyn from Lil Luna was the mastermind behind the decor.  Wowzers, this girl has got talent!  She put her own fun spin on vintage--bloggers style!  Can you believe she helped throw this party just a few short weeks after having a baby?!  Incredible!  I loved meeting her... with or without our blogging connection, she is a gal I would totally hang out with!

Did I mention all of the yummy cupcakes?! I feel like I had a bit of an AZ cupcake tour!  And it was delish!  My favorite cupcake topper said, "I blog, and I'm a big deal."

Saturday was the final day of classes. It was an amazing experience to secure blogging friendships in real life.  These ladies did not disappoint... I have known them "virtually" for a long time.  After meeting them, I love them even more!
Allison from A Glimpse Inside, Kendra from My Insanity, {me}, Amy from Positively Splendid

Heather from A Couple of Craft Addicts totally made my entire weekend!  She recognized me!  (No small feat considering I don't show too many pics of myself!) She is one sweet and gorgeous gal!

I got to meet the oh-so-cute Jamielyn from I Heart Naptime. I love this girl!  Such a sweetheart! I have loved her blog forever and ever!

I also immediately clicked with Melanie from The Crafty Cupboard.  She has an amazing blog, and she inspires me to want to sew more!

A small group of us opted to go "off campus" for dinner on our last evening.  We celebrated Chrissy's birthday in style at PF Chang's!
Allison (A Glimpse Inside), {me}, Mrs. Bird, Lauren (Elephant's Trunk),
Allison (aPearantly Sew), Trish Thomas, Chrissy (Hoot Designs), Gina (Hiya Luv!)

We call this picture "Allie power."  All three of u are named Alison/Allison! And we all sat next to each other at dinner.  
 Allison from A Glimpse Inside, {me}, and Alison from aPearantly Sew

I am thrilled to say that the bloggers I have loved and admired from afar are just as amazing in real life!  They are just as talented, classy, and sweet as their blogs!  I love Michelle from A Little Tipsy! Her blog is so much fun, and I want to be able to walk in high heels like she can!  She rocks the heels!

 I have loved Char from Crap I've Made since I first discovered craft blogs.  The session she co-taught was my favorite session of the whole conference!  My tummy muscles still hurt from laughing!

Wow--record number of pictures today!  
Do you feel like you had a little picture peak into some of the fun and inspiration of Creative Estates?!  Today, I still feel like I'm in a daze... a bit of a Creative Estates hangover! It may take me a day or two to recuperate!

Have a happy week!


  1. How much fun! Thanks for sharing, Alison ~ hope the little guy is up and running again. :)

  2. Looks like you had a blast! Good for you for getting out of your shell. Sorry to hear about your little guy. It's always hard when they get sick...especially when you have to leave them! :( Thanks for sharing!

  3. You were darling and I have never have guessed that you were out of your comfort zone! Come again next year?

  4. So wonderful! I actually LIVE in Phoenix and didn't go - so mad at myself for discovering it too late! Next year! Thanks for sharing your fun pics!

    Reasons To Skip The Housework
    Tuesday Time Out Link Up Party

  5. Loved all the pictures. I'm still full of jealousy since I didn't get to go. ;)

  6. ysy! such fun:) I loved meeting you!!! :)gina

  7. I am so glad you came up to me this weekend! Seriously so great to put a face with the awesome blog! ;) Wish we had gotten to spend more time together, you are such a doll! Thanks for the fun recap!


    PS I was so out of my element there!

  8. Oh my. I NEVER would have guessed you felt a little out of your comfort zone...you simply exuded joy and happiness!

    In fact, I was honestly completely amazed that you were so calm and collected knowing that your little guy was sick...

    I am glad that you were able to join us and I hope you will come again next year!


  9. Sounds like you had a great time. Glad it worked out for you to go.

  10. So glad I finally got to meet you at CE! You are so sweet and beautiful :)!

  11. It was great meeting you!! Too bad you didn't get to enjoy Arizona to its fullest because of the bad weather and I'm sorry your little guy was sick! Thanks for the sweet comments!

  12. So fun!! I am so glad it was such a great event and you had so much fun. I hope someday we will get to meet :) So sad about your little guy. I am glad you were able to find out what was wrong with him. The conference looked like it was amazing! I am so glad you got to go.

  13. I loved meeting you! I can't wait for next year!!!

  14. LOVE lOVE loVE reading all the Creative Estates posts.....I'm so sad I didn't get to go and meet everyone...I'm sooo there next year:-)

  15. How fun!! Off to check out a couple of those other blogs now. Hope your little man is much recovered.

  16. Alison I am so glad we finally met!! It was great to get to visit with you a little! We'll have to both go next year and spend more time together!! :)

  17. I'm so glad that your shared how you were unsure of going. I was also unsure, and ended up not going (I could give you a long list of why). Seeing everyone's posts as they were preparing to go made me somewhat regret my decision, but not enough to try to do something about it. Anyway, I'm glad to read that I wasn't the only one nervous about attending a conference like this.

  18. Awww - love all of the pics, and it was such a pleasure to meet you in real life! You are a doll!

  19. Alison, you are as darling as I thought you'd be! So fun to meet you at CE! I wish it never ended!

  20. LOVED getting to meet you and hang out ALL Weekend! :) Yeah!
